Monday, October 31, 2016

It's been a while...

Some photos of our garden...a long time after my last post.  A second gabion wall has been joined by an arbor built by Geoff from instructions found on the internet.

Wasted space between a group of four garden beds has been dug up and used to make a herb/veggie garden with good bug mix planted at each end.   Recycled jetty timber has been used to make stepping stones and retaining walls utilising old star pickets. (Very little in the way of flat land here!).

My pride and joy (reluctantly built by himself) is the greenhouse (ex chookhouse) made with recycled windows.   The french door is our old shower door.  The other windows are a combination of old wooden windows and more modern aluminium windows tricked up with glued on beading.

We made the pavers ourselves out of left over concrete utilising flagstone moulds.  Just like baking a cake!  You even spray the moulds with cooking spray.

Not enough hours in the day to both build and blog!  Have promised hubby the last garden bed is in....

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