Saturday, April 26, 2014

The challenge...

The challenge for the coming year is to eat something from the garden - either fresh or preserved - everyday that I am home.   Today rocket, tomato and red onion in a salad sandwich for lunch.  Spring onions in tonight's stir fry and fresh figs with yoghurt and honey for dessert.

Currently expanding the native beds and constructing a dry stone creek bed.  (Geoff just shaking his head in disbelief!). Planted a rose I'd grown from a cutting in the furphy bed together with purple 'stick it in the ground', also from cuttings and sweet peas grown from last year's saved seed.  Put compost around the fruiting trees (orange, lemon, mandarin and pomegranate).

My work contract draws to a close this week so more time for other pursuits!  Am about to join the local sustainable energy group as well as the Halls and Rec committee.   The local food imitative also needs some brainstorming and planning.   As for golf....

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