A lovely winter's day. I feel blessed to live in beautiful Mallacoota in far east Victoria. The path to simple living is a winding one with learning opportunities at every curve. Now is the time to start documenting the journey.
Geoff has just made a new batch of concrete flagstones for our garden path. My job is to plant between the pavers and I'm experimenting with different types of plants - chamomile, thyme, mondo grass and corsican mint to date. Just ordered some dicondra and pennyroyal seeds to complete the mix!
The chookhouse is sitting on the bottom deck, waiting for a coat of paint for weatherproofing. We also need to lay chook wire underground to stop foxes from digging into the cage. Can't wait to get chooks - I love the peaceful clucking, free range eggs are amazing and I want their dung for the garden.
The garden is a mess albeit a productive one, even in winter. So far this week I've harvested spring onions, rocket, endive, celery, asparagus, parsley, coriander and carrots. Sewed lettuce, bok choy, coriander and pea seeds on Sunday. I have my fingers crossed that the rabbits/bower birds don't get to them before we do! Decent rain for the first time in years has seen an onslaught of rabbits. Already they've eaten my onion seedlings and pruned the young natives to the ground. As a result the garden is covered in wire cages of various sorts. Not pretty but effective! Can't wait for our 'living fence' to grow up. Grevilleas and callistemons do well here and I've planted lots of different colours. I'm gradually learning what will grow and what wont!
I'm trying to grow non-hybrid heritage varieties with a view to seed saving. My 'no dig' gardens have worked well despite a shortage of poop - have to chat up friends with animals! - and the scepticism of bloke neighbours who said that would never work (speaking slowly so I would understand!).
I always have a crop of silverbeet on the go - hardy, nutritious and good value! My business name is Silverbeet Solutions in honour of the humble silverbeet. (Business being a big word for a sole trader - I pick up the occasional gig doing research and analysis work). Those that say a management consultant should not be called Silverbeet do not have a comeback when I point out that Apple is the name of a computer company.
A busy week this week. Training tomorrow - I'm on the board of the local community bank and the 'L' plate Directors are being inducted in the mysteries of finance speak! Unpaid labour but I'm passionate about the community bank model! Also preparing for the Angling Club's Annual Presentation Night and the AGM. Got approached by the Navy this morning to do some Reserve time but alas am not qualified for the position. (Getting a bit long in the tooth!)
Off to feed the sourdough starter! Fingers crossed I can get it working!